Sunday, October 21, 2012

When it Rains it Pours. . . Or Why I've Not Been Blogging

     The end of July was a very scary time for me. On a Monday I went for my yearly check up the the GI doctor and everything went fine, had blood work done and left.  The next morning the doctor called and told me that I was seriously sick and needed to go straight to the emergency room.  I argued that I felt fine, just a little tired and that he had me mixed up with someone else.  He told me that my white blood cell count was 4 times normal, the same as someone suffering from severe pneumonia.  I spent the rest of the day in the emergency room waiting to get in.  Near five o'clock finally get sent back and am rushed through various test.  They tell me that they can't find anything that they can deal with and send me home with instructions to see my regular doctor.
     Wednesday morning and I'm being put through all types of test hoping for some sign of infection.  Nothing was found and he made an appointment with an hematologist/oncologist.  Friday I see the new doctor and have more blood test done.  He tells me that he has a suspension of what I had but wasn't making a diagnosis until a DNA test came back and that takes a week.
     A week of nail biting anxiety, fear of dying of cancer like my mother did.  I finally go in for the news and it  is confirmed that I have  Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).  This doctor told me that this was the least scary of the cancers now because it can be controlled with a pill.  Before 1999 he would have given me less than a year to live with no treatment possible.  The medicine is $7000 a month and the insurance it picking up most of it.  After one month on the medication the white blood cell count was back to normal levels.
     On a side note, earlier in July during an eye exam that doctor found bleeding spots in my eyes which he assumed were from my diabetes.  A follow up in September showed that those spots had completely healed.
      So I have been contemplating my mortality and feeling like time is running out for all my dreams.  But I'll write about that later.

Question of the day:

What dream do you want to do before you die?

1 comment:

  1. wow, Debbie, I'm sorry to hear all this. No wonder you haven't been blogging. Since I've always assumed that I won't live to see 70 because nobody in my family lives that long, I try to do as much as I can. That's why my ideas always seem crazy...I don't have time to wait! I wish I was there to help you on your adventures, but sometimes you don't have time to wait for someone, just go and do it! YOLO! (you only live once)
